Let's get a few things out of the way first before I dive into the dark and mysterious world that is internet blogging.
1) Yes, I am a life-long Duke fan. I watched with baited breath when Grant Hill flung that full court pass to Christian Laettner in what turned out to be the greatest tournament game of my lifetime. I own a piece of the old Cameron Indoor Stadium floor. I dress my kids in Duke gear, and have taught them to scream "BOO Carolina!", much to my wife's displeasure. That said, I married a Carolina fan (and by extension, her family of devout Carolina supporters) and have been to just as many games in the Dean Dome as Cameron. They're both great programs, and that's what makes this rivalry great.
2) This is a blog that will cover both UNC and Duke, in as close to a fair and balanced manner as I, and anyone that contributes, can provide (And when I say fair and balance, I'm not selling that FOX news brand of fair and balanced.) You may think this is an untenable juxtaposition after reading my first clarification. To that I say - just because I'm a Duke fan doesn't mean I'm a Duke apologist or a UNC hater. I have fan allegiance, but I will be critical of Duke when necessary just as I will heap praise upon UNC when warranted. Don't believe me? Keep reading my posts and you will be converted.
3) If you hadn't guessed from the title of this blog, or my first two clarifications, this is a blog about basketball here on tobacco road. That means Duke and Carolina. There will be no significant blog posts on NC State or any other middling basketball program near this area. To State fans who have stumbled upon this blog, thanks for coming but its probably not the place for you. And to those State fans who think you belong in the discussion of basketball on Tobacco road I have only one thing to say to you - go to bed, if you please. You're two piddly little titles sprinkled in between decades of mediocrity do not entitle you to a place in this discussion any more than your geographic location. You are not worthy of mention here, and your incessant whining bugs the crap out of the rest of us. You are not our rival. Let me repeat, YOU ARE NOT OUR RIVAL. And no matter how self-important you may think you are, the rest of us are just sitting here laughing at you like the red-headed step child you are.
So now you know where I'm coming from. Hopefully this blog will be both informative and humorous. I welcome your comments and discussions. Its why I'm starting this, because its more fun to talk about this stuff with both sides than on Duke or Carolina centric blogs or discussion boards. I hope everyone enjoys, and thanks so much for reading. Your readership is the greatest compliment I can receive.
- Brice